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September 17, 2014

When I saw Kelcie and Larry’s video many moons ago and offered to be their photographer before their kickstart campaign became viral, I had no idea how big their story would become. If you haven’t had the chance to read about Kelcie and Larry, you should definitely read about it here. It is so inspiring, […]

September 7, 2014

Belle and Scott’s Disneyland Stage 17 Wedding such a highlight in my career, and I can’t think back on it without getting the biggest smile on my face. Everywhere Doogie, Louise, Trevor and I turned, there were incredible things to photograph. The day began in the Pirates of the Caribbean Suite at the Disneyland Hotel, […]

September 5, 2014

When Kelcie and Larry first began their kickstart campaign, I wanted to help in the best way I knew how, so I messaged Kelcie and offered to be their photographer for their wedding day. I was amazed to see how quickly their campain became viral, and it wasn’t long before they’d raised everything they needed […]

July 17, 2014

FILED IN: Disney, Weddings

When I was little, my family would take one trip to Disneyland every year. It was always our happy place, and we made so many memories. Then, when I grew up, I went to college and started to work at the park. I feel all mushy inside when I think of all the friends I […]

April 26, 2014

Chelsea and Alex have the sweetest story! They met years ago at a restaurant where Alex was a bus boy, Chelsea was a waitress, and their manager suggested they might be a good match. I think it’s safe to say that he was right! 🙂 Alex’s family has gone to Disneyland for years and it’s […]

April 9, 2014

Katrina and Per have the sweetest Disney love story and met while working at Epcot in Disneyland. Katrina is from Canada and was working in the Canada area,  and Per (from Norway) was working in the Norway area! They fell in love at the park and now Katrina is finishing her school here in the […]

February 14, 2014

Valentines Engagement Photos at Disneyland

When Astrid and Ivan e-mailed to ask me about their Disneyland engagement photography, I had no idea what was in store for me. Astrid had the most adorable ideas and outfits, and every time she’d say she was off to change, I’d say….”wait, there’s more?” She loved hearts, and so I wracked my brain for […]

February 2, 2014

downtown disney espn zone rehearsal dinner-3601

You may remember Caroline and Steven from their spotlight post on the Official Disney Wedding Blog. They had a gorgeous Disneyland Hotel wedding at the Rose Court Garden and Sleeping Beauty Pavilion that I’ll be showing here soon. But before their wedding day, I had the honor of meeting their family ahead of time and […]

January 13, 2014

FILED IN: Disney

This month’s I Heart Faces contest asks for the Best Face of 2013. This really was a tough choice for me, but I have to say that this was my favorite face of them all. It was taken during a Disneyland Family Photography Session, and I can’t look at this photo without getting a great […]