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March 6, 2018

Hailey and Ryann met at the Phoenix Pride festival in 2009 when they were just 17, and sparks flew! They exchanged numbers and quickly started texting and visiting each other, and the rest is history. Together they saw each other through the end of high school, college, and now adulthood. They both just love everything […]

January 23, 2018

Lauren and Andrew met working together at the Budweiser Brewery. Andrew worked in production while Lauren worked in the lab, and together their chemistry brewed to make the perfect pint. They’ve been going strong for 11 years and it was sweet to see how they make each other laugh. Lauren talked about how when they […]

April 4, 2017

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Crystal Cove Wedding

It was a beautiful day in August when I met with Jenn and Brevyn for their Crystal Cove Engagement Photos. Camping and the ocean are near and dear to their hearts, and Crystal Cove was one of their favorite locations, so having engagement photos there was a must! We started out on a hiking trail […]

January 20, 2015

The rainy days over here have me thinking … I don’t know if there’s anything more romantic than a rainy day. I love bringing out big umbrellas and capturing how shiny and crisp everything looks after a nice rain. I also might be a bit biased because my own engagement photos happened in the rain. […]

December 10, 2014

It was so much fun getting to run around and take photos with Lauren and Patrick. We couldn’t have asked for better weather, and the decorations added such a nice touch to their Disneyland holiday engagement photos. The holidays are special to Lauren and Patrick, so incorporating the beautiful details around the park was a […]

September 24, 2014

It was such a pleasure meeting Kevin and Michelle and taking their Disneyland engagement photos. When I arrived there were a million beautiful clouds in the sky and the weather was just right. We had a great time running around the park and taking photos, and even stopped for a quick minute to snag a […]

September 22, 2014

Last year around this time, I spent the day taking sweet Kyle and Teddi’s Disneyland Halloween engagement photos. I am convinced that Kyle and Teddi may be one of the luckiest couples around. During our session, we were able to linger around the Haunted Mansion queue for a bit, we happened by the castle right […]

April 1, 2014

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this sweet little family. It was wonderful getting to know them before the wedding, and I loved how they wanted to be sure their daughter felt special and was included in every location of their Pasadena and Los Angeles engagement shoot. In addition to […]

February 27, 2013

Disneyland Engagement

What’s not to love about Richard and Ariel? Ariel works at a zoo, which I think may be the coolest job on the planet ~ and Richard has traveled as far as Africa. When Ariel learned Richard was going to be traveling, she invited two stuffed penguins into their family, and gave one to Richard […]