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October 15, 2014

Deana, EB and I had been planning their Disneyland Halloween engagement photos for months! It was so fun when they asked to explore some of the spookier areas of the park. For one thing, I knew we had to incorporate my favorite fortune teller. I still can’t walk by without wondering about that night and […]

September 24, 2014

It was such a pleasure meeting Kevin and Michelle and taking their Disneyland engagement photos. When I arrived there were a million beautiful clouds in the sky and the weather was just right. We had a great time running around the park and taking photos, and even stopped for a quick minute to snag a […]

July 17, 2014

FILED IN: Disney, Weddings

When I was little, my family would take one trip to Disneyland every year. It was always our happy place, and we made so many memories. Then, when I grew up, I went to college and started to work at the park. I feel all mushy inside when I think of all the friends I […]

April 26, 2014

Chelsea and Alex have the sweetest story! They met years ago at a restaurant where Alex was a bus boy, Chelsea was a waitress, and their manager suggested they might be a good match. I think it’s safe to say that he was right! 🙂 Alex’s family has gone to Disneyland for years and it’s […]

March 25, 2014

Shannon and Lewie are absolutely adorable in every way. I loved shooting their Disneyland Wedding, and spending the day as a part of the family. I’m a regular reader of Shannon’s Instagram, so I keep up with her daily life and all of the things that she loves. She and Lewie are such a fun […]

January 21, 2014

disneyalnd engagement photos

When Jen contacted me about her Disneyland engagement photos in New Orleans Square, I was in photographer heaven. I loved talking colors and details, and it was so nice to be able to focus on one central location for a Disneyland Engagement Session. Jen has the most beautiful ideas, and is the kind of gal […]

December 10, 2013

One of the things I love is photographing families in the park. If you know how to do it right, Disneyland is a wonderful place for family portraits. There are so many natural spots for fun photos, and families have lots of traditions at Disneyland that are easy to incorporate into a session. I often […]

November 21, 2013

FILED IN: adventures, Disney

Last night Trevor and I were watching Edward Scissorhands, and we tried to name off all the Tim Burton movies in order. We were way off, not even close. 🙂 But it made me think of these detail photos I took of the Haunted Mansion all decked out for the Nightmare Before Christmas during a […]

November 20, 2013

When Laura pulled out her old Disneyland banner and fifties cat eye glasses in the middle of their Disneyland engagement photos session, my eyes grew wide and our conversation went a little like this: Me: “Ooohhhhhh, that’s really cool. How retro do you want to go for this photo? Because I can make it look […]