November 12, 2012

Disneyland Hotel Wedding {Dene and Dylan}

It was so sweet, editing Dene and Dylan’s photos. Every time I had a photo of them together, you could see how much they adore each other. Dene had a beautiful Disneyland Hotel wedding at the Rose Court Garden, with a reception in Sleeping Beauty’s Pavilion. Her parents surprised her with a horse drawn carriage, which was a very special moment to photograph. Her wedding took place as the sun was setting, and it made the Rose Court Garden glow. Everything about this wedding just seemed so special, sweet, and magical.

Disneyland Wedding // White Rabbit Photo Boutique

Disneyland Hotel Wedding // White Rabbit Photo Boutique

Disneyland Hotel Wedding // White Rabbit Photo Boutique

Disneyland Hotel Wedding // White Rabbit Photo Boutique

Disneyland Hotel Wedding // White Rabbit Photo Boutique

Disneyland Hotel Wedding // White Rabbit Photo Boutique

Horse Drawn Carriage

Rose Court Garden

Horse Drawn Carriage

Rose Court Garden


comments +

  1. Hope at Disneyland says:

    What a beautiful wedding. Congrats Dene and Dylan! I love her dress and her bridal portaits. So chic and gorgeous! Great use of the lighting. I also love the details and all the pops of red. It looked fantastic in photos.

    I hope they blow up that “dip’ picture by the horse. It’s so timeless and elegant. Also, how cool was that horse? He had 3 white hoofs and 1 black one!

  2. Sherry F says:

    Stunning pictures!!

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