It’s been quiet around here because things have gotten so busy with wedding season jumping into full swing! But I am being *very* good about keeping up with my Instagram and Facebook page, so please feel free to check me out over there!
But in the meantime, I present to you the best bouquet toss of all time…*queue drumroll*
It all began at Kevin and Elena’s gorgeous wedding in Laguna. First, let me say that I adore wedding receptions. It’s so much fun to be able to capture everyone having fun together. 🙂 When the time came for the bouquet toss, I couldn’t help but smile when Grandma joined the crowd of girls hoping to catch the bouquet.
Grandma made me smile even more when she started singing, “Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme”. If there was any doubt in my mind before, it all vanished and now I was immediately Team Grandma.
The suspense had built up in the room. I thought everyone was going to give Grandma an easy pass on this one. I was wrong. Here’s how it all went down:
Grandma exits the floor, defeated by the bouquet toss, but most definitely not defeated in spirit.
One of the girls lovingly told me, “Grandma had her turn”, haha. I guess when you put it that way….
Thanks for smiling with me, and happy wedding season! 🙂
I normally take the tosses as my restroom break moment of the reception, but I’m glad Grandma is more spirited than I am. These images are epic!! 😀 Happy Wedding Season.