June 20, 2014

The Best Bouquet Toss of All Time

FILED IN: Weddings

It’s been quiet around here because things have gotten so busy with wedding season jumping into full swing! But I am being *very* good about keeping up with my Instagram and Facebook page, so please feel free to check me out over there!

But in the meantime, I present to you the best bouquet toss of all time…*queue drumroll*

It all began at Kevin and Elena’s gorgeous wedding in Laguna. First, let me say that I adore wedding receptions. It’s so much fun to be able to capture everyone having fun together. 🙂 When the time came for the bouquet toss, I couldn’t help but smile when Grandma joined the crowd of girls hoping to catch the bouquet.

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Grandma made me smile even more when she started singing, “Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme”. If there was any doubt in my mind before, it all vanished and now I was immediately Team Grandma.

White Rabbit Photo Boutique and The best bouquet toss of all time.


The suspense had built up in the room. I thought everyone was going to give Grandma an easy pass on this one. I was wrong. Here’s how it all went down:

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Grandma exits the floor, defeated by the bouquet toss, but most definitely not defeated in spirit.


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One of the girls lovingly told me, “Grandma had her turn”, haha. I guess when you put it that way….

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Thanks for smiling with me, and happy wedding season! 🙂

comments +

  1. Hope at Disneyland says:

    I normally take the tosses as my restroom break moment of the reception, but I’m glad Grandma is more spirited than I am. These images are epic!! 😀 Happy Wedding Season.

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