August 13, 2015

Keri and Tony’s Space Mountain Cancer Free Anniversary Photos

Space Mountain, keri strong, cancer free, ovarian cancer,

A short while ago, I shared Keri and Tony’s beautiful wedding with you all. Their wedding was such an amazing day, that I didn’t want to put a damper on their blog post by talking about how soon after the wedding, Keri was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. You never know what life will bring.

Space Mountain, keri strong, cancer free, ovarian cancer,



At the time, things looked pretty bleak. She was given a 15% chance of survival and the cancer had spread. When she went into surgery, we watched as her sister updated her Facebook page with the news that Keri might lose an arm, and that things were not going well.

The amazing thing is, that after Keri’s surgery, she began to improve.

Space Mountain, keri strong, cancer free, ovarian cancer,

Sometimes before her chemo, Tony or her parents would ask how she wanted to spend the day. If she felt up to it, she would tell them to drive her to Disneyland. If she was having a good day, she would go on Space Mountain.

Space Mountain, keri strong, cancer free, ovarian cancer, Space Mountain, keri strong, cancer free, ovarian cancer,

The year before, they rode Space hundreds of times, but this year-her ride count was somewhere around 15. It was enough to keep her spirits up.

Space Mountain, keri strong, cancer free, ovarian cancer,

The amazing thing about Keri, is that she kept positive throughout the entire year. When her friends and family used the hashtag #keristrong, they weren’t kidding.

Space Mountain, keri strong, cancer free, ovarian cancer,


One day, a little while before her one year anniversary with Tony, Keri reached out to me and said she thought she was going to get a cancer free diagnosis, and was there anyway I could take a photo of her with a cancer free sign before or after one of my e-shoots at Disneyland? The Tomorrowland team really stepped forward, and let us take a few photos for a mini anniversary session at Space Mountain.

Space Mountain, keri strong, cancer free, ovarian cancer,


I can’t thank them enough (and Paul and Barbara) for their kindness. It gave Keri and Tony a brand new start to their lives, and was a wonderful way to begin their next married year together. I also want to extend a special thanks to the Space Mountain Crew, they threw in a little extra pixie dust for these two, and lets just say that Keri’s space mountain attraction count bumped up a few more numbers. 🙂

Space Mountain, keri strong, cancer free, ovarian cancer,

Space Mountain, keri strong, cancer free, ovarian cancer,
Space Mountain, keri strong, cancer free, ovarian cancer,

Congratulations, Keri! You are an inspiration to us all, and I’m honored to know you. Here’s to healthier, happier years ahead. Stay #keristrong.

Space Mountain, keri strong, cancer free, ovarian cancer,

comments +

  1. […] to celebrate their first year of marriage and Keri’s health with VIP access to Tomorrowland. White Rabbit Photo Boutique‘s Jenna Henderson, who captured Keri and Tony’s wedding day last July, came along to […]

  2. Nancy Davis says:

    I didn’t think you would be able to top the beautiful pictures you took of Keri and Tony at their wedding, but these pictures tell the story without words. She’s beautiful and cancer free. They couldn’t be any better!!
    Thanks for telling their story!

  3. Hope at Disneyland says:

    I never knew that the survival percentage was so bleak, but I’m so glad to know that Keri beat the odds and will be riding her favorite attraction with her husband for many years to come! What a great story and great way to memorialize her triumph over adversity. Congratulations to them both and may they continue to live happily ever after! <3

  4. […] Jenna Henderson, who got to know the couple during their engagement and wedding shoot, wrote on her blog. “She was given a 15% chance of survival and the cancer had spread. When she went into […]

  5. […] Jenna Henderson, who got to know the couple during their engagement and wedding shoot, wrote on her blog. “She was given a 15% chance of survival and the cancer had spread. When she went into […]

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