June 6, 2013

Exciting Things and Exciting Events

FILED IN: adventures, Disney

I usually spend the majority of the day on my computer, so any chance to get out into the sunshine is a plus. I was really excited to be able to take a mini break to do some work at the park for the day and pay my wedding friends a visit. They let me know that one of my photos was on their cast member website, and it had me smiling from ear to ear.


Exciting Things

After that, I was able to look at the new banners that featured my photography. Seeing my work in print is always a surreal experience, but an amazing one.

Exciting Things


Later in the day, I made my way over to Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen to photograph an event for MPI (Meeting Planners International). I’m going to stray a little here and tell you that my husband and I love good food. We love it so much that during a trip to visit friends in San Francisco, we took an entire day to travel from restaurant to restaurant to try different places we’d heard or read about. When we’re in Downtown Disney, the Jazz Kitchen is one of our favorite places to eat (the other is the Chefs Table at Napa Rose). Whenever I have a chance to photograph at Jazz Kitchen, I know there’s going to be good music and food involved, and it makes me really happy…and full.

I met another photographer at the event, and he snapped a picture of me. I’ve always wanted to be the kind of photographer that could rock a dress while they shoot, but I do so much walking around the resort while I work, I just don’t know if I could handle it!


And here’s a few shots from around the Jazz Kitchen. <3


A few other really cool things happened this week that I wanted to mention.

1) I was able to have dinner with Rosie and Steven, one of my first wedding couples. I can’t believe it’s been over a year since their wedding. They’re both doing so well, but I knew they would be. They’re kind of an awesome couple like that. 🙂

2) I received the sweetest thank you card in the mail from a couple that just got married, and I’ve added it to my collection. I love getting fun things in the mail, almost as much as I love sending fun things in the mail.

I’m wondering now, what are your favorite places to eat at when you’re at the Disneyland Resort?

comments +

  1. Mindy says:

    I’m a total foodie too, I knew there was a reason we are such good friends.

    • admin says:

      aHA! I knew there was a reason! :p There are some great places to eat over in your neck of the woods.

  2. Jeanette says:

    Me too! Me too! I’m a foodie too. And Disneyland just has some of the best food out there. So many places I love to eat. Chicken dinner @ Plaza Inn, Corn dogs, Lobster Nachos @ Cove Bar….mMmMMmMMm

    • admin says:

      Haha, Jeanette! I think the first time I met you and your friends, you were all having corn dogs from that corn dog cart! 🙂

  3. Hope at Disneyland says:

    Congrats on getting your images on some of the print work with DFTW. It’s well deserved! 🙂

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