January 21, 2014

Disneyland Engagement Photos in New Orleans Square

Disneyland Engagement Photos in New Orleans Square

When Jen contacted me about her Disneyland engagement photos in New Orleans Square, I was in photographer heaven. I loved talking colors and details, and it was so nice to be able to focus on one central location for a Disneyland Engagement Session. Jen has the most beautiful ideas, and is the kind of gal I think I’d love to spend a day pouring over her Pinterest page. Jen and Justin are perfect as a couple, and within the first five minutes of meeting them you can see the sweet connection that they have.

Disneyland Engagement Photos in New Orleans Square

And isn’t Jen’s hair gorgeous? She may or may not have inspired me to get a similar color a few weeks later. 😉

Disneyland Engagement Photos in New Orleans Square

Disneyland Engagement Photos in New Orleans Square

The Court of Angels is closed, but a sweet Cast Member suggested using the beautiful angel as a background in the photo below instead.

Disneyland Engagement Photos in New Orleans SquareDisneyland Engagement Photos in New Orleans Square

I love the beautiful paintings, walls, and stonework they have around New Orleans. A long time ago when I worked in the park, I took a tour and learned a little bit about the history of New Orleans Square. It was one of my favorite memories from working at that park, being on that tour.

Disneyland Engagement Photos in New Orleans SquareDisneyland Engagement Photos in New Orleans Square Disneyland Engagement Photos in New Orleans Square


Disneyland Engagement Photos in New Orleans SquareJen wanted to find shoes with a bit of a French feel to them. <3

Disneyland Engagement Photos in New Orleans Square Disneyland Engagement Photos in New Orleans Square
When we were finished taking photos in New Orleans Square, I felt the color of their outfits were perfect for Fantasyland, and persuaded them to take a few photos there. In a lavender teacup, of course. 🙂

Disneyland Engagement Photos in Fantasyland

Disneyland Engagement Photos in Fantasyland

comments +

  1. Hope at Disneyland says:

    NOS is a gem and I think you really captured that in your images. Love the styling of this shoot too.

  2. Mint Julep says:

    Thank you for featuring us on your blog. We are delighted with our photos and looking forward to the “big day!” You are an amazing person and such a talented photographer!

    PS I love your hair..And you can talk about creative ANYTHING with me ANYTIME !!

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