
Diana + Joe / Coco Palm Wedding

On a beautiful day in July, Diana and Joe had a Coco Palm Wedding in Pomona, California. I’ve often driven by Coco Palms and hoped to visit one day. To experience their beautiful reception that overlooked the city of Los Angeles, made for a night I’ll always remember. Diana got ready for her ceremony with […]

On a beautiful day in July, Diana and Joe had a Coco Palm Wedding in Pomona, California. I’ve often driven by Coco Palms and hoped to visit one day. To experience their beautiful reception that overlooked the city of Los Angeles, made for a night I’ll always remember.

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Diana got ready for her ceremony with her family, and they all wore matching robes.
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Even her dog was dressed for the occasion.

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Beautiful Diana, her smile and laughter is contagious. I loved getting to spend time with Diana and her family.
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Dancing the night away. 🙂
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Thank you for having us photograph your Coco Palms Wedding, Diana and Joe! It was such a pleasure to be there.

For more wedding photos, click here! 

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