June 24, 2013

The Story behind Gina’s Wedding Shoe Photograph

I was feeling really grumpy about Gina’s wedding shoes. Not because of her shoes. Her shoes were one of the loveliest pairs of heels I’d ever seen, and I wanted the photograph to be really special. Her wedding was World of Color themed, and I was wracking my brain trying to find a way to photograph them that was unique. I was drawing a blank and it was making me grumpy. I tried photographing them in the lobby of the Frontier Tower of the Disneyland Hotel, and while the pictures were turning out pretty, they didn’t pop enough to satisfy me. I ran through the places I know of, mentally crossing off locations for being too blue, too boring, or too overdone. I wandered towards the ceremony location and saw Disney Floral and Decor setting up the decorations. We talked for a moment and I commented about how beautiful the flowers were, and said in a halfway joking way that I wish I could plop the shoes right down in the middle of them. The florist said, “why not?” So they humored me while I excitedly pulled up a chair to stand on, and began snapping away. The artist/perfectionist in me was finally satisfied. <3

Colorful Wedding Shoes // White Rabbit Photo Boutique


comments +

  1. Jeanette says:

    Beautiful! I love the theme and the roses!

  2. Hope at Disneyland says:

    I LOVE pops of color . Her bouquet is right up my alley! Great shoe-shot!

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