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July 8, 2019

You might remember Sarah and Gilbert from their beautiful wedding, or their Tangled Engagement Session, or perhaps from our photos at Disneyland Paris? By now, we’ve become good friends and I truly cherish the times we’ve had together. You just can’t watch Game of Thrones in your pajamas together or run madly around Disneyland Paris […]

April 8, 2019

I just loved editing Michelle and Scott’s Disneyland Engagement Session with Tiffany. The colors were so vibrant, and you could just see how much fun Michelle and Scott have together, and I love how they laugh and smile together in every other frame. I also loved their outfits, each one gave a different feel, and […]

April 1, 2019

I have the sweetest little family session for you today. 🙂 I’m a little behind with my blog posts, so pretty soon I hope you’ll see our more recent session with Lizette’s family and their newest addition. 🙂 In Lizette’s words, “I have always loved visiting Disneyland as a child and as an adult. My […]

April 1, 2019

Emilie and Derrick met online when Emilie was living in North Georgia. It wasn’t long before they started talking online that they knew there was something more between them. When they happen to have a free off day together, they often head over to Disney World, and love going on Disney Cruises together. They also […]

March 25, 2019

FILED IN: Disney

I can’t even begin to share how much I adore Gwendolyn and Chris, and so when Gwendolyn reached out to me about taking a few photos to celebrate her 50th birthday celebration, I was all in. They have the sweetest and most fun spirit, as I’m sure you can see from our pics! 🙂 Enjoy!

March 11, 2019

Sarah and Anthony met when they both just moved to California and were working for the same company. Even though they worked together, they didn’t know each other until they both happened to attend an HR brunch. Who knew that a brunch for HR would turn into Sunday Funday, and eventually end on the sands […]

March 4, 2019

Kevin and Flavia met on October of 2014. Flavia was hired as a sales manager at Sunglasses hut and Kevin was one of her sales associates. Sparks immediately flew, and it wasn’t long before Kevin invited Flavia to December nights at Balboa Park. Soon after they became Facebook official! When I asked them to describe […]

September 8, 2018

Do you ever look back and wonder how so many things could have possibly happened in one year? This has definitely been one of those years for me, and so much of that began with Sarah and Gilbert’s beautiful Tangled Engagement Session. Today is their one year anniversary session, and I can’t help but think […]

March 6, 2018

Hailey and Ryann met at the Phoenix Pride festival in 2009 when they were just 17, and sparks flew! They exchanged numbers and quickly started texting and visiting each other, and the rest is history. Together they saw each other through the end of high school, college, and now adulthood. They both just love everything […]