January 13, 2015

Yuqi and Josh’s Fun and Playful Disneyland Engagement Photos

Yuqi and Josh have to be one of the most adorable couples I’ve ever photographed and I’m really looking forward to their wedding day! We had so much fun running around the parks together and capturing all of the things they love. From their favorite foods to their favorite attractions, it really made for a great time! Josh and Yuqi are talented crafters, and I was amused to learn that Yuqi found out first hand that knitting needles are not allowed in Disneyland. I had no idea! Hopefully someday though, she will live her dream of knitting on Main Street. 🙂 I was also pretty impressed to learn that Josh designed, crafted and welded Yuqi’s engagement ring! I even made my husband who was waiting for me at the park, join us for a few minutes so he could see it. It was fun hearing all of the excuses that Josh gave to Yuqi for having to gather supplies like a blow torch for her beautiful ring, heehee! I don’t know how he managed it, but in the end Yuqi didn’t have any idea that Josh was crafting her ring. It was a great day from beginning to end, and I hope you enjoy their fun and playful Disneyland engagement photos!

Fun and playful Disneyland Engagement Photos
fun and playful Disneyland Engagement Photos
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D
Fun, colorful, and playful engagement photos at D

comments +

  1. Hope at Disneyland says:

    Yay! I really enjoy Bugs Land so I’m glad it finally made it into some cute couple pictures. How cool that Josh made Yuqi’s ring. That’s so impressive! It definitely looks like you had tons of fun and I can’t wait to see what their wedding looks like! 🙂

  2. Cynthia M. Cuevas says:

    Yuqi has brought so much fun and life to Josh and Josh has brought her freedom to enjoy living and is willing to join in!
    I really enjoyed these fun filled pics. Very creative artistry in choice of location and memorable stance!
    My dream for you is that you keep each other full of life until the end of time!

    Cynthia (Josh’s aunt)

    • Jenna says:

      What a sweet comment, Cynthia! They really are the cutest together, they’re going to have a beautiful life! 🙂

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