October 9, 2014

Senior Albums

FILED IN: Senior Shoot

It always makes for a great day when I have a senior photo session. I think what adds to it, is the overall feeling of excitement, knowing there’s so many possibilities ahead for them. I remember that feeling of graduating and wondering what adventures I would have. I don’t think I could have ever anticipated what my life had in store, it’s just amazing to watch a life unfold before your eyes. 🙂 Celine had a beautiful energy about her and I know she has big things in store. Her family had ordered the coolest album, and I thought I’d share it here. What a wonderful keepsake to remember the years before life sets you free, we had such a great time putting it together. Thanks again, Celine! And I hope you all love the album.




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  1. Hope at Disneyland says:

    Cute idea! My Senior portraits were nowhere near as fabulous. If I could go back and if you were around, I’d definitely do something like this!

    • admin says:

      Mine weren’t either, haha. I think I walked into the school photo place wondering what these pictures were all about. :p

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