You might remember Sarah and Gilbert from their beautiful wedding, or their Tangled Engagement Session, or perhaps from our photos at Disneyland Paris? By now, we’ve become good friends and I truly cherish the times we’ve had together. You just can’t watch Game of Thrones in your pajamas together or run madly around Disneyland Paris without creating a special bond. I was so excited when they added me to their Galaxy Edge reservation for opening day. I surprised Sarah and Gilbert by bringing my camera along. I’m hoping someday we’ll have a wedding or engagement there (fingers crossed), and I wanted to spend some time exploring.
Please note: For information about weddings and engagements contact Disney Weddings, they can get you all the info you need!
We had a great time experiencing Battuu (check out my instagram for my stories from that day).
Yep, we actually took this photo, hahaha.
You’re the droid I’ve been looking for….
I loved Sarah and Gilbert’s Disney Bound on the second day. My husband said that it was Gilbert’s power suit, and that he should always wear it to business meetings from now on, haha.
At the end of the second night, we ran into some good friends! It was so nice seeing everyone together.
Nilofar from Perfectly Made Weddings is expecting, so we had to get a few pics for her too. 🙂
And that’s it! Hope you enjoyed the photos and that you get to see Battuu in person, if you haven’t already! Thanks for letting me tag along, Sarah and Gilbert! Another blue sky adventure, in the books. 🙂
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