November 1, 2013

Spotlight on the Crystal Coach

Since I’ve been photographing with Disney Fairy Tale Weddings, one of the things that without doubt, will always draws a crowd~is a bride making her grand entrance in Cinderella’s Crystal Coach. I’ve seen guests step out of their balcony to watch the Crystal Coach arrive, and kids follow behind the carriage for a glimpse at the bride. There always is a gasp from the guests attending the ceremony when the coach appears at the Rose Court Garden, and everyone waves as it takes the bride and groom around the resort for wedding celebration drive. It really is something special, and amazing to photograph.

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1) What made you decide to have the crystal coach?

Christie: My mom and I were walking over to the Rose Court Garden so I could show her where I might be getting married and there happened to be a wedding going on. So naturally we hid in the bushes to watch the wedding!  Next thing we knew the coach came around the corner. We both gasped at the sight of it. We finished watching the wedding, both of us in awe, and when it ended we looked at each other and knew the carriage was a must.

Gina: Well, Richard (my now husband) was actually the one who wanted me to have the Crystal coach. I thought it was a big ticket item and the regular coach would be fine. But he was set on seeing me arrive in it. And I think it was the best decision we made.

Mandi: I wanted to take advantage of the whole Disney “being a princess” moment and I knew arriving on a carriage would be cool. However, I do not really like the Cinderella Coach at Disneyland, so I picked the vis-a-vis.

Carol: I decided to use the crystal coach at the wedding because we were getting married in Disneyland, and you can’t really feel like Cinderella without the coach! I even had the glass slippers. Although a bit pricey, it really was one of the most memorable  parts of the ceremony.

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2) How did you feel when you pulled up to your wedding in the carriage?

Christie: It felt really surreal when I pulled up in the carriage. After the ceremony when it was just my hubby and I riding in it, I felt like Cinderella. It was really magical. We were waving to a bunch of strangers as we rode by and we felt like celebrities!

Gina: I love the Disney princesses and truly felt like Cinderella pulling up to the ball to find my prince. I loved having our rings in the glass slipper; that’s what sold me on it. I’ve never seen such a beautiful horse and loved the footmen characters.

Mandi: I felt very excited. It was so nice to wave at all the people who were just peeping at the wedding on the sidelines. Our guests really liked it and it was one of the things that was most mentioned to me afterwards.

Carol: When we pulled up it was like a true fairy tale, the butterfly’s in the stomach, the sunshine, the suspense of the crowds reaction, and as you approach having all the kids stop and stare at you and wave to you as if you really were a princess. You can’t help but smile and believe that you really are going to marry your prince charming.

white rabbit photo boutique disney princess wedding vis a vis

3) Any advice for Disney brides considering having the crystal coach or vis-a-vis carriage?

Christie: I would say if you are not sure if you want to get it … do it!!! You will have no doubts and will remember every minute. I really loved it when my little cousin called me Cinderella the rest of the day because I came in on the coach.

Gina: My advice is that to go with the Crystal Coach. It truly gives that Disney fairy tale touch. Best decision we made!

Mandi: I would say do it! It took a lot of convincing to get my now husband, Steve, to let me have the carriage, but in the end even his hardened economical heart admitted to me that it was worth it!

Carol: There’s really no other option. You gotta have the coach. I am already planning to have a vow renewal in 10 years back at the happiest place on earth and the carriage will be a must. it’s the highlight of the ceremony, you’ll love it, your guests will love it and it’s the cherry on the cake. I love watching my wedding viedo and looking thorugh my photo’s  and seeing me in the carriage, and the approach and I still get the same warm and happy thoughts that I did on my wedding day. the Crystal coach is a must. and I even put my favorite photo of me and the groom onto a large canvas print to be forever remembered. and for advice I think out of all the budget cuts I was really glad the coach wasn’t’ one of them

white rabbit photo boutique cinderella disney wedding

white rabbit photo boutique cinderella coach slipper

white rabbit photo boutique cinderella crystal coach

white rabbit photo boutique disney princess wedding

white rabbit photo boutique princess wedding glass slipper


For more on pulling out all the stops at your Disney Fairytale Wedding, check out our behind the scenes perspective on Morning Castle Sessions.


comments +

  1. Hope says:

    Seeing a bride pull up on the Coach is definitely a sight to behold! I love the images you captured. I initially thought I wanted the coach, but then I set my sights on something a little different and I don’t regret the decision. I loved making my own unique entrance and surprising my guests with my arrival. 🙂 I’ve gotten my Cindy Coach fix at various Disney events too. 😉

  2. […] and Brian really did have a Disney Fairytale Wedding, complete with Cinderella’s Coach, trumpeters, and all the bells and whistles. It was such a fun wedding, and they had me giggling […]

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