October 9, 2012

Senior Photography at Disney’s California Adventure {Angelique}

FILED IN: Disney, Senior Shoot

While I was at Ari’s wedding, her mother pulled me aside and asked if there was any way I could take some senior photos for her daughter at California Adventure before they had to go home. Somehow, the stars (and my schedule) aligned, and we were able to make a time for us to take an hour of photos. We ran around the park, while beautiful Angelique quickly changed outfits, and had a great time along the way. I really believe that Disney’s California Adventure is a dream location for a photographer. All of the walls, details, and architecture are stunning, with tons of textures and colors to play around with. We had a lot of fun, and it was great seeing Ari’s mom and her family one last time before they had to leave. I kind of wish I could have stayed and followed them around all day. 🙂


comments +

  1. Ari says:

    ABSOLUTELY STUNNING JENNA! And we wish you could have stayed and followed us all day too.

  2. Melanie C. De Le Ree says:

    Wow! That is sooo cool that you were able to make time for Ari’s beautiful sister. She is so lucky that she had you do her senior pictures. They are amazing! =)

  3. Angelique says:

    Thank You Sooo Much Jenna! You are Absolutely Amazing<3

  4. Hope at Disneyland says:

    Ari’s family is gorgeous! Angelique is stunning! I wish they had this type of senior photography back in the day. It sure beats the pasty in-studio work we were obligated to go through. LOL DCA was the perfect back-drop for this. Love the colors in the background.

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