August 17, 2016

Russell and Leesha’s Disneyland Wedding Photos

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Disneyland Wedding Photos, Tangled Wedding, Tangled Wedding Photos, Tangled Wedding Inspiration

I love taking Disneyland wedding photos at Sleeping Beauty’s Castle, there’s something special about waking up at the crack of dawn and heading to Disneyland. Russell and Leesha were still beaming from their wedding day when the Disney escort and I met them for the session. Leesha looked like a dream in her Tangled inspired wedding dress, hair and gown, and even though they’d been dancing all night, they were both ready to take some beautiful photos.

Disneyland Wedding Photos, Tangled Wedding, Tangled Wedding Photos, Tangled Wedding Inspiration

This morning was simply perfect, the weather was right and we got there as the sun began to rise. The castle lights were on, and we couldn’t have asked for a better day.

Disneyland Wedding Photos, Tangled Wedding, Tangled Wedding Photos, Tangled Wedding Inspiration
Disneyland Wedding Photos, Tangled Wedding, Tangled Wedding Photos, Tangled Wedding Inspiration
Disneyland Wedding Photos, Tangled Wedding, Tangled Wedding Photos, Tangled Wedding Inspiration

Even the carousel lights were on, adding an extra touch of whimsy to the session.

Tangled Wedding Inspiration and Ideas
Tangled Wedding Inspiration and Ideas
Tangled Wedding Inspiration and Ideas
Tangled Wedding Inspiration and Ideas

I loved Leesha’s Tangled inspired bouquet.

Tangled Wedding Inspiration and Ideas

Tangled Wedding Inspiration and Ideas
Tangled Wedding Inspiration and Ideas

And of course, we had to end our session at the Fantasy Faire Theater.

Tangled Wedding Inspiration and Ideas
Tangled Wedding Inspiration and Ideas
Tangled Wedding Inspiration and Ideas

Tangled Wedding Inspiration and Ideas
Tangled Wedding Inspiration and Ideas

Congratulations, Leesha and Russell! Cheers to your happily ever after!

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