December 4, 2013

My Own Proposal Story

FILED IN: adventures

My Own Proposal Story // White Rabbit Photo Boutique


Have I ever talked about my own proposal story? I think I really stressed out my poor husband, Trevor. :p I was an anthropology major in school and told him that if he ever proposed, I really wanted a ring that was fair trade (as a side note, now we’re saving up for a ring from Brilliant Earth, a beautiful ring company that uses fair trade diamonds). He nervously went ring shopping with my best friend, and kept asking if the diamonds were real. When the person at the ring shop insisted they were, he asked if they had anything fair trade or something that wasn’t a real diamond. Trevor said they looked at him like he was the cheapest fiance ever, even though he explained over and over again that it was what I wanted, haha. They were like, sure………..:p

I knew something was up and suspected he might propose. He’d asked me to keep the day clear on my calendar and said he was taking me to dinner at the same restaurant where we’d had our first date. It was a vegan restaurant with lots of spicy food, because I’m allergic to dairy and these restaurants are safer for me to eat at. Trevor wanted to impress me and didn’t mention until a few weeks after our first date that he hated spicy food. That’s love. 😉

Before we left for the restaurant, I gave him a hug and quickly frisked his pockets to see if he had a ring hidden in there. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t really like surprises, heh heh. When I didn’t feel a ring, I got a little grumpy, then even grumpier with myself for being grumpy because it wasn’t like he was supposed to propose to me on that day, and I thought it was rude of me to expect anything. I was so conflicted. :p

When Trevor and I were walking up to the restaurant, Trevor was in a really big hurry and I was getting frustrated because I had heels on and I couldn’t keep up with him. He was nervous and wouldn’t have been able to walk slow if he’d tried, but at the time I thought he was just walking fast for no reason at all. My friend was inside the restaurant, and took a photo of me adjusting my sleeve and trying to keep up with Trevor.

My Own Proposal Story // White Rabbit Photo Boutique

When I walked into the restaurant, I told them there were two in our party, and didn’t even realize that both of our families and friends were sitting at the table next to us. I love this photo, where Trevor looks at them with a face that says, “I can’t believe she hasn’t noticed you all”.

My Own Proposal Story // White Rabbit Photo Boutique


Two seconds later, he got down on one knee and proposed.

My Own Proposal Story // White Rabbit Photo Boutique

My Own Proposal Story // White Rabbit Photo Boutique


This is when I started to notice there were cameras going off everywhere. It took me that long to realize that the restaurant was full of people I love.

My Own Proposal Story // White Rabbit Photo Boutique

Trevor says he doesn’t know how I didn’t feel the ring in his pocket. I’m kind of glad I didn’t, even though I really do hate surprises. :p

My Own Proposal Story // White Rabbit Photo Boutique

My Own Proposal Story // White Rabbit Photo Boutique

My Own Proposal Story // White Rabbit Photo Boutique


It was a simple proposal, but it was perfect for us. I couldn’t imagine any better way to celebrate than with our friends and family. 🙂

comments +

  1. Jeanette T says:

    Very cute proposal story! Love how your family and friends captured the moment for you without you realizing.

  2. J Humenay says:

    Love it! lol So awesome that there were so many cameras around to capture the moment! I actually didn’t say “yes” to Sean immediately… I think my first words were “does this one count?” We’d talked about it for SO LONG… and he teased me ALL DAY….

  3. Hope at Disneyland says:

    That’s so sweet! I almost spoiled my proposal too so your story made me laugh. How awesome that your friends and family were there to share in the moment and capture it for you. I love the “play by play” pictures.

  4. Davina Mezta says:

    My ring is from Brilliant Earth!!! Way to go Trevor, way to go. Great story and great moments captured!

    • admin says:

      No way! That’s so neat. I wished I’d known about it before I sent Trevor all over the place looking for fake rings, teehee.

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