July 17, 2015

Happy 60th Birthday, Disneyland

FILED IN: Disney

Happy 60th birthday, Disneyland!
Happy 60th Birthday Disneyland

I hope you’re ready for a little mush, because I’m feeling kinda sappy today. :p

Happy 60th Birthday Disneyland

But since it is your birthday and all-I just wanted to say …


I love how there is a place on this earth, where you can go to be cheered up.


I love that there is a place where you can spend time with the people you love most.

A place where you can fondly remember this time, or remember that time…

A place where you can laugh and smile…

Happy 60th Birthday Disneyland

a place where you can forget that thing that was bothering you when you left your house this morning.


I love that there’s a place in this world, where you can spin on a teacup, take a ride to space, and have encounters with singing pirates. A place where you can laugh a little louder, listen as your husband sings some ridiculous song off key, and dance like you have never danced before.

I love that there is a place on this earth, where employees are trained to make people feel special. Where their job is to give people the best day they can. To help make memories that people will never forget. What an important job it is.

Happy 60th Birthday Disneyland

I’ll never forget that morning when Kelcie and Larry had their castle portrait session, and the Cast Members surprised them by lining up down Main Street and cheering and clapping and congratulating them…I’ll never forget the tears running down my face as I tried to hold it together to take a few more photos and capture this outpouring of love.


This world needs a place like that.

This would needs a place like you.

Happy Birthday, Disneyland.

Thank you for always being there, and here’s to the next 60 years. If they’re anything like the last 60 years, I know they’ll be nothing short of incredible. <3


comments +

  1. Hope at Disneyland says:

    Aww this post made me teary. I agree with everything you said. <3

  2. Liz Albolino says:

    This post is the best! I try and try and try to explain to friends and family why Disney World means so much to me, why I go over and over again, why I never seek out other vacation destinations….this…this is why! You have said it so perfectly, these are the words in my head and heart every time I get in my car and begin my drive to Disney World (even if only for a daytrip). I am going to remember these words of yours and try not to worry about explaining the “why” to other people, because it is enough that I know why…and so do you.

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