January 18, 2018

Domenique and Alcides: Anniversary Photos at Disneyland

Domenique and Alcides got married at Walt Disney World last year and for their one year anniversary, they decided the perfect way to celebrate such an important milestone was to visit Disneyland for the first time.


Their love story started when Alcides asked Domenique to be his partner on a group project in college which led to them realizing they had both been going to the same church but had never met.

Domenique loves how perfectly they compliment each other, that he makes her feel safe and loved and always listens to what she says and her opinions and thoughts matter to him.

I loved that Christmas played such a role in their shoot since Alcides said that whenever he sees her, it is like Christmas morning. What a perfect way to capture that feeling. It is so evident from their photos how much they love one another and how this first year of marriage was only the very beginning for an incredible life together. Happy one year anniversary, Domenique and Alcides!

Photos by White Rabbit Associate: Tiffany


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