June 8, 2016

Jeremy and Nikki’s Disneyland Photo Session

I wish I could put into words how sweet Jeremy and Nikki’s relationship is. It was absolutely delightful to photograph them together for their Disneyland Photo Session. You could tell they were hopelessly in love. Jeremy and Nikki had their first date at Disneyland and met in line 14, and they knew were meant to be when they realized they both had a love of Disney and experiencing the park in the same way. They said that sometimes they’ll come to Disneyland and sit with each other for hours, talking and watching as the world goes by. I loved people watching when I worked at the park. There’s something wonderful about being around so many people who are set out to have a great time.

Disneyland Photo Session
Disneyland Photo Session

Jeremy loves that Nikki is sweet, understanding, a dreamer, positive, and radiant-to name a few.
Disneyland Photo Session

Nikki loves that Jeremy is funny, kind, generous, understanding, sweet, relentless, and grounded.
Disneyland Photo Session

As a side note, the cherry blossoms were so beautiful that I couldn’t resist snapping a photo of the Partners Statue. 🙂

Disneyland Photo Session

Disneyland Photo Session

Had so much fun in this Toad Car, haha. Such a great excuse to take a few fun photos.
Disneyland Photo Session
Disneyland Photo Session
Disneyland Photo Session
Disneyland Photo Session

Thank you for having me, Jeremy and Nikki! What a great day we all had! 🙂

comments +

  1. Holly Stir says:

    Thanks for sharing sure lovely pictures. Happy Anniversary!

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