December 26, 2014

Disneyland Holiday Decorations

FILED IN: adventures

*sigh* I’m so sad that the holidays are over! It went by too fast, didn’t it? Before January gets into full swing, here are a few Disneyland holiday decorations that I was able to photograph during the season. It’s my favorite time of the year at Disneyland. You can’t help but feel like there’s a little more magic in the air as you walk around! 🙂

The Fantasy Faire Theater was completely charming!

Fantasy Faire Theater Disneyland Holiday Decorations
Fantasy Faire Theater Holiday Decorations at Disneyland

Even Starbucks on Main Street had a beautiful tree full of fruits and other yummy treats.

Disneyland Starbucks Holiday Decorations

And Main Street always makes me feel like I’m home. Especially during the holidays. 🙂

Disneyland Main Street Holiday Decorations

And of course, there is the castle!
Disneyland Holiday Decorations
Disneyland Holiday Decorations

And the stunning lobby of the Grand Californian Hotel.

Disneyland Grand Californian Hotel Holiday Decorations
Disneyland Grand Californian Hotel Holiday Decorations
Disneyland Grand Californian Hotel Holiday Decorations

And the Grand’s Gingerbread House!
Disneyland Grand Californian Hotel Holiday Decorations

And that’s it, what a wonderful season. 🙂 I hope you and your families had a wonderful holiday!


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