January 13, 2014

Disneyland Family Photography ~ I Heart Faces ~ Best Face of 2013

FILED IN: Disney

This month’s I Heart Faces contest asks for the Best Face of 2013. This really was a tough choice for me, but I have to say that this was my favorite face of them all. It was taken during a Disneyland Family Photography Session, and I can’t look at this photo without getting a great big grin on my face. 🙂 Enjoy this little lady’s response to her adorable parents. I know I sure did!

Disneyland Family Photography

Best Face of 2013

Disneyland Family Photography

I Heart Faces is a wonderful and supportive community for photographers. If you’re interested in learning more about photography in a positive and welcoming environment, this is the perfect place for it!

Disneyland Family Photography
Read more at http://www.iheartfaces.com/how-it-works/grab-a-button/#c1KxTMdvtjIAkCij.99

comments +

  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! This is too cute for words. So sweet! I love it! She is making the best disgusted face ever.

  2. Julie says:

    This is GREAT. My kids make the same face every time me and my husband kiss!

  3. Monica says:

    Absolutely priceless! The actions and expressions would already be a classic regardless of the setting but Disney makes it even more sweet and funny! Well done.

  4. Rebecca Jo says:

    that’s awesome 🙂

  5. Nicole says:

    Hilarious, love it!

  6. Hannah says:

    This is hilarious. I always love your photos! You have the knack.

  7. Jessica says:

    Hahaha! Awesome. 🙂

  8. Hope at Disneyland says:

    hehe priceless!

  9. Megan says:

    Holy adorable Batman! That belongs on Mom and Dad’s bedroom wall! That’s sure to be a family favorite that the little girl loves to hate – until she’s old enough to just love it 🙂 I would love your opinion on my favorite face here: http://mktraxel.blogspot.com/2014/01/i-faces-best-face-of-2013.html

  10. So Funny. Love this one!!!

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