February 21, 2013

Disneyland Engagement Session {Chelsea and Trevor}

When Chelsea and I began e-mailing back and forth, we discovered we had so much in common. When she described the feel that she wanted for her Disneyland engagement session, my excitement grew. She wanted the shoot to feel whimsical and romantic, which is just my style. We decided to stay in Fantasyland and New Orleans Square, and captured the park as the sun began to set. Once the lights went down, we took advantage of the holiday lighting. I can only post a small group of their engagement shoot right now, but you’ll definitely be seeing more down the line. 🙂

Disneyland Engagement Session, Fantasyland, New Orleans


comments +

  1. Jeanette says:

    oooo I love the lighting! Especially the one on top where it just dances around her hair.

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