Hello everyone! You may have noticed things have been a little quiet over here, I just wanted to pop in and let you know what we’ve been up to!
1) For the past week, Louise and I have been guest speaking at a local elementary school in Claremont and teaching about telling stories with photography. We had a great time showing them photos of a few of your weddings, and the kids were all SO creative and wonderful.
2) For the past two weeks, I’ve prepping my eyes for LASIK surgery. I may or may not have panicked before the surgery happened because I did what Louise made me promise not to do, and started browsing the internet on the drive over. When we finally got to the doctor, I kept telling them, “You don’t understand, I NEED my eyes.” As if anyone wouldn’t need their eyes? It didn’t make much sense but nevertheless I kept saying it. ๐ Luckily they were very kind and patient with me, and realized I needed two xanax instead of the usual one they give excited patients, heh heh.
The surgery went well and I can’t believe how much better I can see, but for the next few days I need to take it easy on the computer instead of spending 60+ hours a week editing like I usually do. Maybe it will be good to take a break? Who am I kidding, it’s going to drive me insane.
3) Louise and I went to a great meeting in the Claremont Village where our studio is located, and learned so many great things about the community. We love where we are located and are so happy to be a part of their team. It really is a treasure of a city, and I hope a lot of you have a chance to visit us over there sometime!
4) And for some very exciting news, our photography was featured over at the ModernWedding Facebook page, and we have two large features in Ceremony Magazine this season. You can purchase the Orange County Edition if you would like to see! I remember a year ago browsing through these magazines and drooling over the beautiful photography on their magazine pages. I wondered if any of my photos would ever be with them. I can’t believe it’s actually happened, it’s a dream to be featured next to so many talented photographers, and we’re so incredibly honored.
5) We have three VERY exciting weddings coming up this month, and I’m so excited about them that I’ll often find myself waking up in the middle of the night and wishing they could just be here already. Seriously. What is taking so long? :p We also have some fun engagements with two couples who I can’t wait to meet, and a family shoot with Melanie’s lovely family. I photographed Melanie and Ricky for their weddingย and engagement, and I can’t wait to catch up and see her and the boys!
6) And there are some other very exciting things in the works, and I hate keeping secrets and I wish I could share with you all, but we’ll just have to wait a little longer. Ack!
But overall, a great week. We have so much to be thankful for over here, and especially thanks to all of you for following us along for the ride. As Ellie would say, “Adventure is out there!!!” The next few months will be full of them! Yay!
P.S. Look at this fancy new badge I have, isn’t it neat?!?!?
Congratulations on all the good things coming your way. You deserve it! ๐