May 23, 2017

Celeste and Charles: Disneyland Engagement Photos

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It was so wonderful getting to know Celeste and Charles during their Disneyland Engagement Photos. They both have big hearts and it’s easy to see how they fell in love with each other. Celeste is working towards being a lawyer and has a jam packed schedule, so when her mentor suggested online dating, she decided to give it a whirl. She didn’t have to look for long, because Charles was the first person she met, and they’ve been together ever since. They love Disneyland because it’s a place where you can forget all of your troubles and have a great time. I loved hearing Celeste talk about her Dad and how special their family trips to the park always were. It was also a fun session, because we couldn’t walk more than a few steps without someone stopping us to comment on Celeste and her beautiful Modcloth dress. It really was a special day, and I can’t wait for the wedding! Congratulations again, Celeste and Charles! Thank you for spending the day at Disneyland with me! 🙂

Disneyland Engagement Photos
Disneyland Engagement Photos
Disneyland Engagement Photos
Disneyland Engagement Photos
Disneyland Engagement Photos
Disneyland Engagement Photos
Disneyland Engagement Photos
Disneyland Engagement Photos
Disneyland Engagement Photos
Disneyland Engagement Photos
Disneyland Engagement Photos
Disneyland Engagement Photos

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