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January 18, 2014

finding the perfect dj

I often have couples asking me for Videography referrals because they want to make sure they hire someone who works well with the photography team. Rarely do I have people ask about a DJ. I guess it’s because you wouldn’t think a DJ needs to work closely together with a photographer, but this couldn’t be […]

January 7, 2014

Brendan and Nicole were simply adorable to photograph. They were the kind of couple that soaked in every detail and enjoyed each moment of their day, and their happiness was contagious. They had their Little Mermaid inspired wedding, and Brendan even surprised Nicole by having his suit special made as a nod to the classic […]

January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! 2013 was full of adventure. We saw Disney World for the first time, the Walt Disney Studios, Club 33, and Club 1901. We opened a studio in Claremont, helped photograph and organize images for the Disney Wedding website, and met some of the most amazing couples, families, and colleagues who I now […]

December 30, 2013

Tangled Inspired Wedding Invitation

When Chelsea and Trevor’s Tangled Inspired Wedding was over, Louise looked at me with a smile and said, “I think we should all take a moment and pause, and let it sink in what happened here, because that was a great wedding.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.  It was one of those weddings […]

November 27, 2013

FILED IN: Weddings

Can I just say, I’ve never had as much fun watching a family dance and enjoy each others company than I did at Joy and Eric’s Anaheim White House wedding. It was a treat to be able to spend the day with them and photograph them all together, especially since they’re from all over and […]

November 25, 2013

disneyland hotel wedding with shades of blue and bright pops of orange

I met Mandi and Steve while taking their Disneyland Engagement Photos on a bright sunny day at the park. We laughed all day, and then laughed again when I went through their images to edit them. In fact, we teased each other so much that I felt comfortable participating in one final joke before Mandi’s […]

November 20, 2013

When Laura pulled out her old Disneyland banner and fifties cat eye glasses in the middle of their Disneyland engagement photos session, my eyes grew wide and our conversation went a little like this: Me: “Ooohhhhhh, that’s really cool. How retro do you want to go for this photo? Because I can make it look […]

November 13, 2013

FILED IN: Weddings

Rolls Royce Classic Car Wedding

When Katie, Michael and I Skyped for the first time, we bonded because my cat kept wandering across the Skype screen. I apologized for my furry roommate, and they said not to worry because they were cat people too. 🙂 We clicked after that, and my eyes grew wider as they explained the details of […]

November 11, 2013

I have to say, Christie and John did their wedding right. They began the morning with a Disneyland Castle Wedding Session in front of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle, before being whisked away by the Cinderella Coach to their black and white Mickey themed wedding in the Rose Court Garden. Even though it was very early, we […]