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October 9, 2014

FILED IN: Senior Shoot

It always makes for a great day when I have a senior photo session. I think what adds to it, is the overall feeling of excitement, knowing there’s so many possibilities ahead for them. I remember that feeling of graduating and wondering what adventures I would have. I don’t think I could have ever anticipated […]

September 2, 2014

FILED IN: Senior Shoot

All of this school talk has brought me back to this adorable Disneyland Modcloth Senior Session Mashup. I can’t think of anything more fun than grabbing your girlfriends, jetting off to Disneyland for the weekend, and spending the morning getting all dolled up for a senior session. What a fun way to end the school […]

October 9, 2012

FILED IN: Disney, Senior Shoot

While I was at Ari’s wedding, her mother pulled me aside and asked if there was any way I could take some senior photos for her daughter at California Adventure before they had to go home. Somehow, the stars (and my schedule) aligned, and we were able to make a time for us to take […]

August 23, 2012

FILED IN: Senior Shoot

As a graduation gift, Jazmine’s mother asked me to put together a fun and spunky graduation album that fit her daughter’s bright personality. Here’s what we came up with; hope you like it!