Before we get to the photos, I want to quickly apologize for the lack of posts around here. Things have been non-stop for us this season. I’ll try to explain a bit more in my New Years post, but it’s definitely been the busiest season I’ve ever had, personally and professionally. But the wonderful thing was, being busy meant I was able to take a lot of great photos and meet some amazing families and couples. Here’s one of them! 🙂
When I heard that Big Thunder Ranch would be disappearing for Star Wars, I had mixed emotions about the whole thing. I’ve always believed that Walt was a supporter of progress and wanted the park to move forward, but some of my favorite recent Disneyland memories were in the Big Thunder Ranch area with my son. Big Thunder Ranch transformed into this family craft center over the past few years, and my little guy was just at the right age to enjoy it. I also loved the theming because it reminded me of my grandma’s farm decor in Oklahoma, it reminded me of all the things she would make or have around her house. I know we’ll love the new Star Wars area of the park, but I did want to take some photos at Thunder Ranch before it disappeared into Disney history. 🙂 It’s not an area that’s usually requested by couples, so I asked Jenna and Jacob if they’d let me photograph them there, and they agreed! I hope you enjoy the photos!
After we took photos at Disneyland, we went over to California Adventure for a few pics as well!
I feel like Olaf appreciates the California Christmas weather. 🙂
Happy holidays, my friends!
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